Monday, May 19, 2008

Beach Bum

Mommy and Daddy took me to the beach!  It was so much fun and so beautiful.  And much cooler than Sherman Oaks.  It was a hot one this weekend!  I'm glad I got to go to the beach before we move to the Midwest.  I don't think there are palm trees there.  They took tons of pictures.  I was really happy when Mommy took pictures of Daddy and I but then I got hungry and cried through the pictures with Mommy.  Once I was fed, I was happy again and took good pictures with Mommy.   

I will be 3 months old in a few days!  I have discovered some new things in the past month, such as my hand, which I love to suck, and my feet.  I like to swing them up in the air and stare at them.  They're cool.  I wonder if they will fit in my mouth.  I also discovered I have a tongue.  I stick it out all the time.  Daddy thinks its cute.  I'm practicing on rolling over, too.  I can roll to both sides, but I am not rolling over just yet.  Maybe next month...

1 comment:

Amy and Jeremy said...

hey avery dude...
its me...camden!
just wanted to send some baby love your way!
are your mommy and daddy packing fools? mine are! i am getting sick of looking at boxes everywhere; but they tell me that Nashville is the place to be! i hear Chi-town is pretty dope too!
See ya this weekend!
Love You- Camden Lookalou Weber!