Friday, January 22, 2010

Growing and growing...

Hi everyone! I turned 2 months old this past week! I am growing like a weed. I had my 2 month wellness check and I am now at a healthy 11 lbs, 11oz and 24 inches long. I've gained a whole 4 lbs since I was born! I'm a lot like my brother, really long. He's getting big, too! He's gone from being a toddler to being a BOY! He talks a lot, too. Nonstop, always saying something new. I am also smiling a lot and cooing up a storm. My doctor says I am very social for a little girl my age. He thought it was because I have an older brother, but I say it's because I have so much personality!!! I'm sleeping through the night now (however my brother is NOT!) and awake a lot more during the day. I'm getting lots more play time with Mommy! She has 3 weeks left of maternity leave, so I am enjoying the play time for now. Then I will be going to daycare just like big brother Aves. He really loves it there, so I think I will get a long just fine. Plus I will get to make friends, and who doesn't like that?

I'll talk to you soon! My Daddy is home and I want to go play with him :)

Let's Talk...

Thursday, January 7, 2010

Family Time

Hi!  It's Berlin here!  I have spent the past 2 weeks getting to meet and know a whole lot of family!  I have a lot of grandparents, aunts and uncles, and cousins!!  They all love me already and I love them, too!  I spent most of my time being held (which I LOVE!), and now that I am home, I am not so happy that Mama and Daddy are trying to break me of the habit.  I had such a great time getting to meet all of you and I can't wait to see you all again soon!


Happy Holidays

Happy New Year everyone!  We had a fantastic holiday season in Iowa this year!  My sister and I spent 2 weeks at Grandma's house, introducing Beebin to all the fam and bonding with everyone.  We had so much fun!  Christmas was really cool.  I finally have the whole Santa thing figured out, and had a blast opening EVERYONE's gifts!  There were lots of ooooh's and aaaaaah's and oh wow's! from me.  And as you can tell, I am still into bows!  My parents got me in the Christmas spirit by reading "Twas the Night Before Christmas" to me every night.  In our version of the book, there's a chicken on every page, so I am convinced Christmas is about a chicken!  And a cat, too.  They are all buddies with Santa and his reindeer.  I love chickens!!  Berlin was not phased at all by the Christmas thing.  She pretty much slept through it, but will most likely be helping me tear through the packages next year!

Hope you had a fabulous Christmas, too!