Monday, August 31, 2009


I have a new interest in the potty!

Doing yoga with Mommy

I know it's hard to believe, but I am 18 months old now! Time sure does fly when you are having fun. I had a checkup, and no surprises here, but it went really well. I did get over it in the middle and told my doctor "All done", but she said she wasn't. In case you are keeping track, I am pretty much in the same percentiles as before - 97th for height, 27th for weight. My doctor said she doesn't care that I'm skinny because (and I quote) she sees so many fat kids. She's a funny one!

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Go Cubs!

Mama put me to work!

I like to think outside the box (or in this case, on top of it)

My couch is comfy!

With my new cubby bear...

Me and Aunt Andi

Some of the people I chucked stuff at....

Hanging out at the game.

On the choo choo train to Wrigley

I thought I would help myself to some sweet potatoes.

Hi everyone! I thought I would share some photos of me at my first Cubs game and doing some other fun stuff. My first Cubs game was FUN! I got to ride the choo, which is awesome because I love choo's! Usually I just wave and say "bye bye", but this day I got to ride one. Three actually. The game itself was fun, but I didn't watch most of it. I was having too good of a time hanging out with my Grandma and Aunt Andi (and my parents, of course). I also chucked everything I could get my hands on at the people around us. They took it pretty well. Mom said I'm lucky I'm cute, otherwise they may have been mad. The air and water show was going on at the same time, so we got to see part of it from our seats at Wrigley field. Planes are cool! It was a long day, though, and I was pretty pooped when we got home.

In other news, I am learning lots of new words and talking up a storm. My parents are even teaching me "please" and "thank you", which I have gotten pretty good at. I'm sad to report that they are trying to take my dee (pacifier) away. I now only get it at night, which has made me quite cranky. I am very good at showing my displeasure, but to no avail.

Talk to you soon! Love and miss you all.
Avery (aka Boo Man Choo)

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Little Hoot

I like to sit at the table like a big boy!

Playing hide and go seek

Being silly

Do you like my new haircut?

Watching Shrek with Daddy

Hi everyone! I realized I haven't told you about my adventures in the toddler room. I moved up a few months ago, and I am doing really well! I get to do so many new things. We go outside to play everyday, I have Water Days on Wednesdays, we sing and dance, I'm learning Spanish, and I'm sleeping on a cot now instead of in a crib. I'm such a big boy! I'm also officially a one nap a day kinda guy. It suits my play schedule much better. They call the toddlers Little Hoots. I sure am!

Mommy also wanted me to tell you that my sister is getting bigger and stronger! She is kicking Mommy's belly like crazy. She tries to get me to feel it, but I'm not that patient. I'm sure I will feel the kicks at some point.

I'll talk to you all soon!
Hugs and kisses,