Monday, March 22, 2010

This is How I Roll...

As promised, here are some photos of me rolling over!!! Pretty cute, huh? In other news, I had my 4 month wellness check today. I'm still a growing, healthy, little, er I mean, big girl! I'm up to 14-1/2 lbs already. I've almost doubled my birth weight. The doctor thought he felt some buds in my mouth, so I may be sprouting teeth soon. My parents are not surprised by this, Avery got teeth at 4 months, too. I'm also getting a little bit of a cold, but all my friends at daycare have it, too. Must be all this crazy weather we've been having! I'm enjoying Spring, so I hope it sticks around.

Talk to you soon!

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Hanging at Home

Hi! I'm holding an egg.

Still holding an egg. I am really into these lately.

Having fun with Mama.

So sleepy!

Getting stronger everyday!

Sharing my raisins with Beebin.

Happy boy!

Hanging out in the Bumbo.

Grandpa and I watching tv.

Having fun with my sister

Hi everyone! We've just been hanging out at home lately. It's been fun! The weather is getting nicer, so I hope Spring is here and we can go outside! Exciting, breaking news... Beebin rolled over today! She's going front to back, and almost has back to front mastered. I helped out a lot, cheering her on! She's such a strong little girl! Mama will post pictures soon. I'm still working on potty training and love being in the 2 year old room at school!! Mama is getting back into the swing of things being back at work, but swears it takes forever to get out of the house in the morning with the two of us. I help out a lot by running away when it's time to put my shoes and coat on and I like to roll out of my car seat and bring all my toys in the car with me. See, so much fun!

Talk to you soon.

Berlin's Baptism

I look pretty!

Aunt Katie got me a pink bow for my hair and pink chucks. I'm stylin' now!

Doesn't Avery look handsome?

Cuddling with Grandma

Avery was wrestling with cousin Taylor

Very sleepy after a long weekend of fun!

I got God a couple of weeks ago. Yep, that's right, I was baptized. It was pretty cool. Pastor Doug poured water on my head, sang to me, and showed how pretty I was to the whole congregation. I think I won their hearts! The party I had afterwards was fun, too. I hung out with my entire family and loved how pretty I looked all dolled up. I was pretty tired afterwards and slept a lot, which was fine because we had to drive home to Chicago. It was the same weekend as Avery's birthday party, so I was happy to get home and get some rest.

Gotta go find my bow!

My Birthday Party!!

I love to tear open wrapping paper! Oh yeah, and gifts are cool, too. Did I mention I love Thomas?

I had 3 pieces of cake! It was GOOD!!

I got shy when everyone sang Happy Birthday.

Kung Fu Panda! Also a fav.

No party is complete without balloons.

Ah ha! I love Chocolate!!

Kisses from Dee dah.

I love balloons!

Beebin got in on the balloon action, too!

I want to thank everyone for coming to my birthday party! I had a really good time, and it was so nice to see all of you. For those of you who couldn't come, here are some pictures from the party. Sugar and balloons.... all a 2 year old boy needs! That and to tear into some pretty paper.

Hope you enjoy!