Sunday, March 14, 2010

Berlin's Baptism

I look pretty!

Aunt Katie got me a pink bow for my hair and pink chucks. I'm stylin' now!

Doesn't Avery look handsome?

Cuddling with Grandma

Avery was wrestling with cousin Taylor

Very sleepy after a long weekend of fun!

I got God a couple of weeks ago. Yep, that's right, I was baptized. It was pretty cool. Pastor Doug poured water on my head, sang to me, and showed how pretty I was to the whole congregation. I think I won their hearts! The party I had afterwards was fun, too. I hung out with my entire family and loved how pretty I looked all dolled up. I was pretty tired afterwards and slept a lot, which was fine because we had to drive home to Chicago. It was the same weekend as Avery's birthday party, so I was happy to get home and get some rest.

Gotta go find my bow!

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