Monday, June 21, 2010

Miss B

Hi!! I don't know if you realize this, but I am 7 months old now! Time flies too fast! I am doing so many things and growing so fast, my parents can hardly believe it. Just today, I pushed myself into a sitting position from my belly. It was pretty cool. I'm a strong little girl! I'm also seconds away from crawling! I get into "the position" as Mama calls it (on my hands and knees) and rock back and forth. Mama says I remind her of Avery because I get frustrated and he used to do the same thing. She just lets me go because she knows I will get it in no time!

Mama took these photos of me to mark my 6 months on earth (even though I was closer to 7 months). In case you were wondering, she tried to get some shots of Avery and me together, but Avery was in a mood! He was not having it at all! Well, you can see us together in our videos. He really does love hugging and squeezing me, but he gets a little out of hand sometimes. He doesn't realize he's being rough with me, but I love it!

Avery and I start daycare again next week. I will be in a small room with 3 other babies and Avery will be in the 2 1/2 year room. Mama is nervous for Avery because he has had a little separation anxiety lately, but he will be fine once he gets used to it again and makes friends. I'll keep you updated on how it goes!

Talk to ya soon!
Berlinee Lou

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