Friday, April 25, 2008

I'm 2 months old!

Hi everyone! Can you believe I'm 2 months old already?!? I am growing so much and doing new things everyday. My new thing is to coo. Boy do I do it a lot. Mommy thinks I'm a talker just like my Dad. I am a better sleeper now, too. I've been sleeping 5-6 hours a night, which my parents are loving.

We also learned that I am lactose intolerant. It took a nasty rash and some fussiness for my Mom and Dad to figure it out, but they caught on pretty quickly. Mom can no longer eat dairy, but she told me she's okay with it. I'm much happier now that I'm lactose free.

My Daddy was out of town this week for work. He went to Costa Rica. Mommy and I miss him a lot, but he's coming home tonight! We are so excited to see him. Daddy is so much fun. We bond over baseball and hockey games.

That's all for now. Check out some new pictures of me. I am so cute!


1 comment:

Amy and Jeremy said...

Hi Baby Aves!
I love you and I miss you...
Hope we can have a playdate soon! We will have coo-ing good time!
My favorite pasttime is to chew on my hand too!

bye bye baby boy!
camden j!