Thursday, April 10, 2008

It's me, Avery!

Hi everyone! My Daddy is stuck in Chicago, so I'm writing the blog myself this week. Daddy made the mistake of flying American Airlines, so he had to find a new flight home. I miss him, hope he gets home soon.

I am six weeks old already! Can you believe it? The things I have accomplished in 6 weeks. I weigh 11 lbs, mostly due to my favorite past time...eating! Mommy gives me good food. I also love to sleep and can fall asleep on my own now. I like it better when Mom and Dad rock me to sleep, but they're tired, so I am learning to do it on my own. I also love to play. Mom and Dad come up with some fun games for me to do. Plus I love to watch baseball with my Daddy and dance to Dancing with the Stars with my Mommy. She lets me be the star. We go on long walks, too, through the park. Its fun to see all the kids play, but sometimes I get sleepy and take a nap. My puppies are fun, but Bailey constantly licks my face. I tolerate it sometimes, but get cranky when she licks my mouth. Madi doesn't lick me, but she stares at me and she likes to steal my pacifier. Gross! I also discovered smiling. I smile anytime I hear my Mom or Dad's voice. It makes me happy.

That's all for now. Mom says its nap time. Check out my new pictures. I am so cute!


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