Sunday, November 6, 2011

Big Girl Bed

 Berlin's crib

Toddler Bed!

Hey all!  I made a big transition a few weeks ago.  I officially graduated from my crib and into a toddler bed.  It actually wasn't that big of a transition.  My crib converts into a toddler bed, so really it's the same bed only a little more open.  Mommy and Daddy were wondering how long it would take me to get out of my new bed, and so far I'm not doing it.  Can you imagine?  I have all the freedom in the world, and I stay in my bed.  My parents think I'm awesome.  I wait until they come in my room to get out.  I'm just a content little one.  I'm sure I'll get sick of waiting for them at some point (because they do take their time after all), but for now I'll stick with my routine.  

Catch ya'll later!
Hugs and kisses,

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