Wednesday, May 26, 2010

New and Exciting Things!

Berlin looks pretty in bows

Very proud of my swimming trunks!

Kisses from Deedah

Don't take my picture, Mama!

Fun at the pool!

Eating food in a high chair like a big girl!

I insisted on wearing a onesie to bed. My parents thought it was funny.

Can't stop me from sitting!

Hi everyone! Lots of things are going on here. I am starting to settle in and feel more comfortable in our new home and schedule. I have stopped my hitting and biting and am a very lovey boy again! I just needed a little extra love and assurance during our transition. I'm liking my new room. It's bigger and I have lots of toys to play with in my room. I discovered some new ones that I had forgotten about, so I'm having fun with those. I also love to play baseball! Mama has been playing catch with me in the kitchen and I love it! Although Madi tries to take the ball away and that makes me mad, so I discovered if I lock her in the laundry room that she can't steal the ball away from me. Mama and Deedah always let her out, though. They think I'm very smart, but I shouldn't be mean to Madi. Fine. I've also gotten back to where I was in my potty training! This is very good news! I still have a few accidents, but I'll get there. Potty training is a process, ya know!

Berlin is changing every day! First off, she had her 6 month wellness visit. We like our new pediatrician. She is very nice and spent a lot of time with us and was very thorough. Berlin is long and lean (well still a chunky baby) like me. She's just under 16 lbs! She's in the 50th percentile for weight and 71st percentile for length and very healthy! Mama went back and compared her weight to me when I was 6 months old and was surprised at the difference. I was a full 2 lbs heavier and 2-1/2 inches longer. Crazy! I guess she's a girl, though. Berlin also started on solids in the past week or so. First off was rice, and now she's added sweet potatoes and bananas. She's kinda funny. At first she makes a funny face and acts like she doesn't like the food, but after a few bites, she can't get enough! She's eating 3 times a day now. Such a big girl! She's also sitting. She's still a little wobbly, but doing really good. She likes to talk like me, too. Can you blame her? She's saying dada (Deedah is so proud!), baba, and something that sounds like nnnnguh. It's very cute. I am really enjoying hanging out with my little sister. I love to give her hugs and kisses, and I like to feed her and help with her baths. I'm such a proud big brother!

In other news, Mama is still looking for a job. Berlin and I get to go play with some other kids while she interviews, so we are liking it. It's fun and gets us out of the house and we get to meet other kids our age! The caretakers are very nice and think we are just the happiest kids around.

That's all for now. Talk to ya soon!
Hugs and kisses,
Avery (and my favorite lil sis Berlin)

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Dance to the Beat of Berlin's Jumperoo!

Jump Jump!

Here I am in my new favorite toy! My Jumperoo was handed down from my big brother, Avery. My parents dug it out after we moved, and I am sooooo in love with it! I affectionately call it my Jump, Jump! I could jump in it all day long..... Hope you enjoy :)


Sunday, May 16, 2010

Nashville Baby!

Tubby time!

Watching Cars on tv

Berlin can sleep anywhere!

Future prom dates

Roly poly

We made it to Nashville!! It was a bit of a ride, but we're here and getting settled into our new place. We arrived almost 2 weeks ago, but our belongings did not arrive until a few days ago because of the flooding in Nashville. The good news is, our stuff was safe and sound. and we missed most of the devastation. We spent what was supposed to be the first few days with our friends, the Webers. They were so kind as to let us stay with them for so long! Berlin got to bond with her future prom date, Dashton Bleu, while Avery picked up right where he left off with Camden. We're very close to the same ages, so it works out well. We're excited to be so close with our good friends again.

So far, we are loving Franklin! It's a beautiful suburb of Nashville and the Southern hospitality is amazing! And it's nice to get away from the hustle and bustle of a large city, but still have a city close by. We are really looking forward to planting our roots here. Our apartment is nice. A bit smaller than our townhome, but a nice place to call home until Mama and Deedah can buy a house. Deedah started his job last week and likes it already. He is digging in and will be working overtime in the coming weeks, so he is happy to be keeping busy. Mama is looking for a job and has a couple of leads. She hopes to find something soon, and has found a great daycare for us to go to once she gets back to working.

We miss our family and friends in Chicago, but we think this is the place for us. Can't wait for ya'll to visit!

Avery and Berlin

New Developments

I'm sitting!

We love to hang out :)

Avery loves chocolate!

Still cute as a button

Hello everyone! Hope ya'll are good. We have so much going on here, it's crazy! Berlin is sitting! Mama and Deedah have been working with her for awhile and just in the last day or so, she has gotten it! She loves to play with anything she can get her hands on, so toys go down in front of her and she sits and plays. She is loving the upright world. She also is having a love affair with her feet. She can play with them for hours! I get it, I still love my big ole feet. They're so interesting, who wouldn't want to play with them? What else is Berlin doing? Oh, babbling up a storm. She talks as much as I do, although I don't understand what she's saying. I love to cuddle up with her and give her lots of love, and she gives it right back. We're going to be the best of friends (although I love to pick on her, too).

I'm doing well, too. I'm a little confused about all this moving business, but I'm still my happy, funny, active, running self! I've lost my focus on potty training a bit, but my parents are trying to get me back on schedule. I got used to just going in my pull ups during our move, so I got a little too comfortable with that. I'll be back on track in no time! I've also been a little bit of a pill since we moved. This transition is a little hard on me, but my parents are giving me a lot of love and understanding and told me I am going to love living in Franklin, so I'm doing much better. My room is now in place and I'm loving being back in my own little comfortable space. I'll be staying home with Mama while she looks for a job, which I am looking forward to that. I love my Mama time!

Well, that's all for now! Talk to ya soon.