Hi there! So much is happening here, I don't know where to begin.... I guess I'll start with the biggest change around here, we moved!! I love our new house, there's so much to explore and get into. The stairs are fun to climb up, although Mommy and Daddy went and ruined my fun by putting up gates. I still have fun, though, there's lots more to get into.
I am moving up to another room at daycare. It's still the baby room, just the big baby room (for 9 months to 15 months). I really like it there, one of my favorite teachers, Ms. Jana, is there and I already have two friends, Ethan and baby girl Charlie. I will miss my old teachers, Ms. Melody and Ms. Meredith, but will see them often. I think my bestest friend Alyssa is moving up soon, too, so I am excited about that!
I've been hitting some more developmental milestones, too. I'm developing so fast, my parents can barely keep up. You all know about my crawling. I'm fast!! I can also stand up, and figured out if I stand in my crib, my parents come running fast! I can also crawl up and down stairs when my parents let me. I'm getting more teeth, too. 2 on top and at least one more on the bottom.
In other news, I have my 4th ear infection. It doesn't bother me that much, just when I sleep at night, but my new meds are helping a lot. I hope this is my last.
Do you love my pictures this week? Here I am taking my first bath in our new home, trying out my new carseat, and hanging out with my Aunt Katie during our move! So many new things in the past few weeks, and I love them all!
Talk to you later!
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