Friday, August 15, 2008

Adventures in Learning

Hello there! I have had an exciting week! Monday was my first day at daycare. I am now a Firefly at Adventures in Learning daycare center. That is what they call babies in the infant room. I LOVE it there!! The teachers are so nice and take good care of me. They are definitely keeping me active and stimulated all day. I am so exhausted at night that I am now going to bed between 8:30 and 9:00 and sleeping all night long! Mommy and Daddy have to wake me in the morning. I'm pretty groggy, but I'm still a happy baby! There are 5 other babies in the same room as me and I am making fast friends with all of them. Alyssa, who is a week younger than me, is my closest friend. We play together a lot. She is very cute and smiley. My mommy and her mommy seem to really like each other, too. They talk a lot in the morning and evening during dropoff and pickup times.

I went swimming for the first time last weekend! It was only 72 degrees out, so the water was a little chilly. I was crabby at first, but quickly got used to the water and had lots of fun splashing about. I also played with a little girl named Yoshita. She was a lot of fun!

This weekend we get to go to a picnic for my Mommy's company. I hope there are lots of kids to play with!

Hope to talk with you all soon!
Love and kisses,

1 comment:

Amy and Jeremy said...

Hi Aves!
So glad you are liking Daycare and making new friends! Tell your Mama that we are so happy she is enjoying her new job!
Lots of Love to You all!!