Saturday, November 28, 2009

My First Week

My first meeting with big brother Aves! He is very sweet with me... calls me Baby Beebin and gives me lots of kisses. I think we are going to get along fine.

My first bath.

Lots of kisses from Daddy and Avery

My first Thanksgiving with Grandma and Aunt Andi

I've been getting lots of sleep!

More sleep...

Swinging away!

My first week was filled with adventure! I met my big brother, who is a cool dude, and my Grandma, Aunt Andi, and Grandpa Mark. I had my first Thanksgiving, which I pretty much slept through. The beginning of my day was a little rough. I got pink eye and had to go to the urgent care. The doctor there was obnoxious, according to my parents, and tried to give me antibiotics that I did not need. I ended up getting eye ointment, and my pink eye is almost gone! I went to see my regular doctor and I am doing well! I'm already back to my birth weight, and she said I am a healthy and strong baby! My parents say I am very chill, and they can't believe how good I am. My Grandma spent my first week with me, and I get to see her again at Christmas, as well as meet more family. It should be a good time.

I'll talk to you soon. I'm getting sleepy again.


White Haired Veg said...

Ah, big brothers are so helpful and loving...until little sisters get mobile and start messing with their stuff! I've got the cutest nephew and niece in the world! Much love from Aunt Becky.

Amy and Jeremy said...

Ahhhh Baby Beebin you are such a pretty little lady! We love you soooo and are glad that pink eye has left the building!! xoxoxoxox

PS. it was great catching up with your mama yesterday. tell your daddy and big boy aves we love and miss them too!