Sunday, October 11, 2009

Blackberry Farm

Hi everyone! I went to Blackberry Farm this weekend and had a lot of fun doing fall festivities. They were having Pumpkin Days this weekend, however Mama said their pumpkin selection was severely lacking. I got to bring home 3, so I'm not complaining! I also rode the choo choo, played with some very big balloons, pet a chicken, and had a stare down with a goose. Quack quack! That was fun. It was a chilly 39 degrees out, but I don't mind being cold.

Talk to you all soon! It's past my bedtime and I had a very exciting day.

1 comment:

Amy and Jeremy said...

Hey Aves...
you look like you had a blast at the Punkin Patch! Wish we could have rolled together, but maybe next year!!
Love ya dude,

Camden Boos!

PS: Can't wait to meet your hot little sis! :)