Sunday, September 20, 2009

Fun House

Mmmmmm, strawberries!

Playin' peek a boo with Daddy

Mama says they call this "plumber's butt"

I LOVE ketchup!


Bath night rules!

Hi there!  We've just been hangin' out over here, having fun per usual.  This is some of the stuff I've been up to.  Some news to share... I have been showing a lot of interest in the potty lately, so my parents bought me my own potty.  I like to sit on it a lot, but have yet to go potty in it.  My parents say that is okay, I  can go when I'm ready.  So far, I like to sit on it and mimic what Mama and Dee Da are doing.  I'll let ya know when I decide to go on my own in there.

My bed has also been transformed from a crib to a toddler bed!  I like the new lower rail.  I can get out of it on my own now, and my parents aren't worried about me crawling out of a crib and hurting myself.  I like it a lot and have taken my first nap in my new bed.  So far, so good.  All these new big boy things! 

Bye for now!

1 comment:

Bill & Marina Lewis said...

wow! you are sleeping in a bed already?? what a good big boy you are!!! i love all of your pictures!!! too too cute!! Love you Avery!!!!