My Grandma and Aunt Greta visited last weekend. We had a lot of fun! Greta's favorite past time is shopping, so we went to the outlet mall! I have to admit, I am not a fan of shopping, so I took a long nap while Mommy bought me lots of new clothes! I have grown out of a lot of my clothes, so I needed new ones. I am growing so fast, its hard to keep up! We also went to the Weber Grill for dinner, where I helped Daddy with his BBQ dinner. I love messes! The next morning we went to our "new favorite breakfast place" according to Mommy. It is downtown Naperville and very yummy according to Grandma and Auntie Greta. They left after breakfast, which was sad, but I will see them again over Labor Day weekend.
I have been working on my sitting and am getting much better at it. I can sit all by myself for a few seconds. I lose my balance after that, but its a big improvement. I also started sucking my lower lip. My parents don't understand why, but they think its cute. And I am now drinking out of a glass! I was grabbing for my Daddy's water glass, so he let me drink out of it. I love it now! Water is so refreshing. Mommy bought me some sippy cups, so that will be a fun way to drink my milk now....
That's all for now.